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Get the World’s #1 ESG Rating

Subscribe to IQ ESG and earn the world’s #1 ESG rating via our annual subscription service. Fast & Affordable!

  • From £900 / $1,150
  • Complete in 7 days!
  • Includes Carbon Reporting

Unlock the Secrets of ESG Success – Download Our White Paper on IQ ESG Ratings Now!

Powered by ESG Pro

GHG carbon emissions scopes 1 & 2 calculations
Marketing collateral for your website
ESG rating certificate, personalised and dated
Website badge for your ESG rating, personalised and dated
Share your ESG score externally without restrictions
Share your carbon score externally without restrictions
Verification of Authenticity of ESG rating (email)
Unlimited technical support help-desk email access
ESG and carbon reduction action plan
Access to the ESG Pro IQ ESG learning portal
Access to our webinars, tutorials, and events
Discounts for schools, and not-for-profit organisations
Technical support included - Europe based
1:1 live onboarding session with expert consultant
Expert analyst consultancy session included
Rebate for upgrades to premium ESG reporting services
Priority technical support included with 3 years subscription

What is ESG?

ESG stands for environment, social, and governance. It’s all about enabling organisations to demonstrate how they are well run, honest, and transparent. Since 2005, it has been the global measure to show you care about people and planet.

What is an ESG rating?

An ESG rating is a grade – like a financial rating – but it’s assessing your impact on society. It relies on globally established standards, and the ratings system is fair: even a tiny business can compete against a huge corporation.

How does an ESG rating benefit my organisation?

Every organisation, businesses, schools, even family farms benefit from an ESG rating because both businesses and consumers see your rating as a sign you can be trusted. Banks and other investors also favour organisations with an ESG rating.

How much time will it take us to respond to the IQ ESG assessment?

For a very small organisation, you might need to spend just one hour per week for eight weeks, and for a larger organisation, perhaps twelve weeks. It’s not difficult. However, your subscription last for a full year, so you can work to improve your rating!

Do we require any specialist knowledge to complete the assessment?

No, completing your IQ ESG is for anyone. There are some questions which require knowledge of your organisation’s finances, but even these are straightforward.

What happens if we don’t have the answers to certain questions?

This is normal. You are not penalised for not having an answer, and you can still submit your assessment. Over the course of the year, we encourage you to improve your responses.

Can I get a bad ESG rating?

No, you cannot get a bad ESG rating because ESG is not a measure of good vs. bad: it is a statement of fact. A rating of “B” is good, and a rating of “AAA” is better.

How long does the total assessment process take?

From the day you start to securing your first ESG rating takes as little as three months. After that, you continue to have access to the ESG Pro training and education portal to continuously improve so your rating next year will be even better!

How many organisations have this rating?

More than 250,000 organisations globally have this ESG rating, making it the most widely adopted ratings system (compared to B Corp with 8,254).

Which major brands using this ESG rating?

Among forms with our ESG rating are such global names as Pfizer,, Morgan Stanley, Boeing, FedEx, The World Bank, Ford, and Apple.

Does ESG Pro offer IQ ESG globally?

Yes, IQ ESG is available to every type of organisation globally, excluding specific countries on sanctions lists.

What is the minimum size of organisation which can secure an ESG rating?

There is no minimum size. The ESG ratings system is open to every form of organisation, irrespective of size, industry, or location. We have micro-SMEs using the rating too.

What are carbon emissions and how do they relate to ESG?

Your carbon emissions represent some of the most damaging forms of pollution as they impact our global climate. To assess the environmental impact of your organisation, we need to calculate how much carbon you generate through the activities of your organisation.

What carbon emissions do you calculate for IQ ESG clients?

We calculate all scope 1 and scope 2 emissions based on the data you provide.

What do I get at the end of the IQ ESG rating process?

Completing your IQ ESG assessment results in your organisation receiving an annual ESG rating certificate suitable for printing and framing, a website badge, and registration on the Global Reporting Institute (GRI) ESG database.

Will I have to share any GDPR personal data?

No, the ESG reporting process does not require any personal data / PII. The entire process is completed in full accordance with the UK and EU GDPR.

Is technical support included?

Yes, all IQ ESG subscribers have unlimited access to our support team via our European help desk.

Which organisation underwrites your ESG rating?

ESG Pro Limited is partnered with Apex ESG Enterprise, part of apexanalytix, a US leader apex ESG Enterprise is an award-winning SaaS application and one of the fastest-growing ESG software, tools, and data analytics company with over 250,000 public, private, municipality, and non-profit organizations assessments across 100 countries.

What do I get with my subscription?

Your IQ ESG rating assessment come with many terrific features, including:

  • Complete access to the IQ ESG web app.
  • All costs included.
  • ESG rating certificate.
  • Marketing collateral for your website.
  • ESG Certificate with rating.
  • ESG rating as a website badge.
  • Unlimited technical support help-desk access.
  • Access to the ESG Pro IQ ESG learning portal.
  • Access to the ESG Pro series of webinars, tutorials, and events.
  • Discounts when upgrading to other services, such as verified carbon neutrality, full carbon emissions reporting, production of a corporate annual sustainability report, supply chain auditing, and much more.

Product Feedback

ESG Pro have a customer-centric approach and go the extra mile to make the process easier
Paul F, Chief Operating Officer

The team at ESG PRO made the whole process work beautifully and ensured we had time for our core business activities
Joe G, Chief Operating Officer

ESG Pro helped us immeasurably and we look forward to a long partnership
Gail F, Chief Operating Officer

We made the decision to work with ESG PRO to help us maintain existing client relationships and improve our win rate on new bids and tenders.
Phil T, Managing Director

Annual subscription, up to 5 users

£900.00 30% off

Limited time left at this price

IQ ESG at a glance

  • Access to AppYes
  • Online SupportYes
  • Online EducationYes
  • Skills RequiredLow
  • Duration1 Year
  • LanguageEnglish
  • CertificateYes
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